

This is a painting I did from an Andy Julia photograph- a bit stylized.

Oil on Canvas- 2007
Completed in 1 hour.

You can see where the work was rushed but i think it adds a certain quality to it.

I'm sure I'll grow tired of this very soon.

I might die

Although I am not a big fan of Cartoon-like paintings.... this has a certain quality that is captivating.

The subject matter and the emotional content is very strong.

by: Mark Bodnar

Night & Dream

This is one of my favorite works of art. The photograph doesn't do it any justice... the colors in the original painting are extraordinary.

The movement and textures are beautiful. I'd love to enlarge this and use it as my wallpaper in my bedroom... as a mural.

Night & Dream
by: evelyn de morgan

This is my favorite part of the painting...